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The Fort Myers Beach Pier Has Been Approved to Be Rebuilt

  • Reading time:2 mins read

The Fort Myers Beach Pier is the most famous and beloved landmark on the island. Millions of people have made memories on the pier since it was originally constructed almost 100 years ago. It was the best spot to catch the sunset, a perfect place to stroll after dinner, a favorite fishing spot and so much more to so many people.

One year ago, within a matter of hours, Hurricane Ian completely demolished the pier and devastated most of the island along with it. The town of Fort Myers Beach has come such a long way since then.  So many businesses have started rebuilding and others have opened for business. The Fort Myers Beach Pier, however, has remained in the same state as it was left by the storm.

Fort Myers Beach Pier

The town and its residents are eager to rebuild the Fort Myers Beach pier and now they are one step closer. The town has finally received the Greenlight from Fema to rebuild the pier, which is the first step in a long process.  The decision to rebuild comes from FEMA because the majority of funding will come from them. The county also has the option to kick in extra money for any upgrades.

The next step for the town is hiring a designer for the pier, which should take about six months according to Lee County Commissioner Brian Hamman. Though it will likely be another 3-4 years before we are able to walk the pier again, this is a huge step in the right direction.

We are so happy to know that the Fort Myers Beach Pier will be rebuilt and can not wait to see the renderings for the new design! To stay up to date on this exciting project, and others across SWFL, subscribe to our newsletter!

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