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Developer Reveals Big Plans for Former Red Coconut RV Park

  • Reading time:2 mins read

Seagate Development Group purchased the former Red Coconut RV Park property for $52 Million in September of 2023, a year after it was decimated by Hurricane Ian. The 10-acre property encompasses two parcels on either side of Estero Boulevard. Since September, Seagate Development Group has worked with the city and gathered public input to create a vision for the prestigious property, which has finally been revealed.

Seagate is proposing to build:

  • Two condo buildings (137 total units) with varying heights (9, 10, 14, and 15 stories over parking)
  • A two-story over-parking Gulfront Beach Club
  • Four single-family homes east of Donora Blvd.

The former Red Coconut RV Park is the largest property on Fort Myers Beach. This development has been highly anticipated and has so far received positive feedback. Seagate has included a number of public benefits including significant beach view enhancements, a public beach park, a public restaurant with views, and multiple traffic improvements.

In order to incorporate these public benefits, Seagate will need a height deviation to be approved by the city. The property currently has a height restriction of only three stories but Seagate is proposing a 9, 10, 14, and 15-story building. While some may oppose the deviation, the plan to build vertically does allow for better views and more green space.

This development is still in its early planning stages and is expected to take two years to complete from groundbreaking. To stay up to date on this project and others across SWFL, subscribe to our newsletter!

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