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Downtown Fort Myers: Changing with the Times

  • Reading time:2 mins read

Big changes are in the works in downtown Fort Myers.

A new proposal would massively increase the allowable population density to the downtown and Midtown areas of Fort Myers. In addition, it would address traffic flow and parking, along with adding a beautiful Town Center where the City of Palms Park baseball complex currently sits. Don’t worry, the the proposed town center, Midtown Square Park, would be a mixed-use facility with renovated baseball fields incorporated into the design.

The plan will breaks up Midtown into 3 new zoning districts: Midtown Urban General, Midtown Urban Core and Midtown Urban Center. The proposed, allowable building heights for these 3 new zones are:

  • Midtown Urban General would allow buildings up to 6 stories,
  • Midtown Urban Core would allow buildings up to 23 stories,
  • Midtown Urban Core would allow buildings up to 15 stories,
  • And Downtown Fort Myers would allow buildings up to 15 stories.
Proposed Midtown Square Park @ intersection of Broadway St. & Lafayette St.

These proposed changes to downtown and Midtown Fort Myers, will make it much easier for developers to come in and execute their plans. The proposal also includes incentive programs for developers to construct public spaces on the first floor of their developments, including restaurants, shops and office spaces.

The next Fort Myers City Council vote and public hearing will occur on February 4th, 2019. Don’t forget to subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter, to stay up to date on this exciting proposal!

The SWFL Report